
NCP303150 Datasheet, ON Semiconductor

NCP303150 mosfet equivalent, integrated driver and mosfet.

NCP303150 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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NCP303150 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Capable of Average Currents up to 50 A
* 30 V / 30 V Breakdown Voltage MOSFETs for Higher Long Term Reliability
* High−Performance, Universal Footprint, Cop.


The NCP303150 integrated solution greatly reduces package parasitics and board space compared to a discrete component s.


The NCP303150 integrates a MOSFET driver, high−side MOSFET and low−side MOSFET into a single package. The driver and MOSFETs have been optimized for high−current DC−DC buck power conversion applications. The NCP303150 integrated solution greatly redu.

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